About the Breakfast Sessions
There will be one breakfast session held on Thursday 21 June (prior to the pre-congress symposiums), and three industry supported breakfast sessions will take place on Friday 22 June and two breakfast sessions on Saturday 23 June.
Breakfast sessions are available for all delegates to attend (excluding exhibitors) and spaces are limited and strictly on a first come first basis. A stand-up buffet breakfast will be provided and available 30 minutes before the sessions commence.
Please click on the links below for more information on the breakfast topics. In order to attend the breakfast sessions, you will be required to indicate your attendance as part of your registration form.
Thursday 21 June
Friday 22 June
Breakfast Session 3 - Supported by MSD - Delivering Survivorship Care in Immuno-Oncology
Saturday 23 June
Breakfast Session 1 - Supported by Seqirus - Tapentadol: a novel analgesic in cancer pain management
Thursday 21 June
Title: ONCADERM: Oncology Nurses and Consultants Advancing Dermatology Education in skin Reaction Management. Note: this is a 2 hour session.
Time: 0730 - 0930 - A stand-up buffet breakfast will be provided and available 30 minutes before the sessions commence (7.00am - 7.30am). This will be served outside the meeting room.
Presenter: Professor Pablo Fernández-Peñas
Learning Outcomes:
Provide structured education to assist with prevention and early identification of cutaneous reactions associated with EGFR inhibitor therapy:
- Recount how the mechanism of action of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor, affects the structure and function of skin
- Be able to recognise and describe cutaneous reactions associated with EGFR inhibitor treatment
- Follow general management pathways for EGFR-inhibitor-associated cutaneous reactions
Session Outline:
- Cutaneous reactions associated with EGFRi (lecture)
- Practical skincare workshop (hands on)
- Optimal management workshop (case studies)
Friday 22 June
Title: From the patient to the person: Nurse's perspective on a holistic approach to supporting the haematology patient.
Time: 0715 - 0815 - A stand-up buffet breakfast will be provided and available 30 minutes before the sessions commence (6.45am - 7.15am). This will be served outside the meeting room.
Chair: Jessica Scaife
Presenters: Professor Kate White and Camilla Simonsen
Presenter One - Professor Kate White - who will discuss the nurse's role in:
- managing the patient's psychological aspects of living with a haematological malignancy
- educating and supporting haematological patients with informed decision making and managing their treatment outcomes
- Camilla will share her experience on managing the CLL patient receiving GAZYVA (obinutuzumab) including information on educating the CLL patient on treatment options and expected treatment outcomes
Patients diagnosed with a haematological malignancy face many challenges and questions, from treatment options and complications to psychosocial issues. Learn how a nurse's role is pivotal to supporting patients to ensure they are informed and equipped with the right information and tools to support their treatment journey.
Time: 0715 - 0815 - A stand-up buffet breakfast will be provided and available 30 minutes before the sessions commence (6.45am - 7.15am). This will be served outside the meeting room.
Presenters: to be confirmed
CDK4/6 inhibitors are a new treatment option for patients with 1L metastatic HR+/Her2- breast cancer. An interactive session that introduces this class of drug and to discuss and provide practical management initiatives to optimise the patient journey.
Title: Delivering Survivorship Care in Immuno-Oncology
Time: 0715 - 0815 - A stand-up buffet breakfast will be provided and available 30 minutes before the sessions commence (6.45am - 7.15am). This will be served outside the meeting room.
Presenters: To be confirmed
With the durability of immuno-oncology agents, cancer patients are living longer and their health needs are evolving. It is important to understand the health needs and experiences of cancer survivors, and the impact that this has on the delivery of survivorship care.
This session aims to address key issues and questions in this critical part of the patients’ treatment journey.
Saturday 23 June
Title: Tapentadol: a novel analgesic in cancer pain management
Time: 0715 - 0815 - A stand-up buffet breakfast will be provided and available 30 minutes before the sessions commence (6.45am - 7.15am). This will be served outside the meeting room.
Presenter: Prof Stephan Schug
Stephan Schug is currently Professor and Chair of Anaesthesiology in the School of Medicine and Pharmacology at the University of Western Australia and Director of Pain Medicine at the Royal Perth Hospital, Australia. He maintains also a position as Honorary Professor of Anaesthesiology at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Description: This symposium will explore current understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying cancer pain and highlight the rationale behind a mechanism based approach to management. A novel pharmacological treatment for cancer pain, Tapentadol, will be reviewed.
Title: Keep Calm and Carry On or Freak Out and Panic! Treatment related reactions
Time: 0715 - 0815 - A stand-up buffet breakfast will be provided and available 30 minutes before the sessions commence (6.45am - 7.15am). This will be served outside the meeting room.
Presenter: Dr Adam Boyce
Oncology treatments continue to increase in complexity and diversity contributing to complications and side effects. Most information regarding infusion related side effects is sourced from clinical trials however due to the random and unexpected nature of most reactions it can be difficult when consenting a patient for treatment. Thankfully most infusion related reactions are mild and manageable and allow for continuation of optimal therapy. More severe reactions if not recognised can be life threatening and recognition of the mechanisms involved can help alleviate such adverse outcomes.
This presentation will evaluate the different types of infusion reactions, classification of severity, prophylaxis and management. With the shifting paradigm from cytotoxic to novel monoclonal antibody therapy and immunotherapy a new range of toxicities has emerged. This will be discussed with the aid of clinical cases.